Fancy a Taylor but can’t afford a new one? Got a spare trumpet that has seen better days but still has plenty of life left in the valves?

- Priced as to specifications.
To order or ask a question please email us at info@taylortrumpets.com and we will do our best to help.
Fancy a Taylor but can’t afford a new one? Got a spare trumpet that has seen better days but still has plenty of life left in the valves? Or maybe an older horn that is actually quite nice but never gets used anymore? It could be a Bach, Getzen, Yamaha, Schilke or other once decent trumpet you have sitting around.
We can go subtle and change just a leadpipe or bell, or go further and change both and add a matching main tuning slide assembly, custom cap set, inlaid finger buttons, phat finger rings, custom brace work (if you fancy it). Why not personalize it a bit more and engrave your name or a message on it and give it a cool funky finish. You could have an 80% new Taylor for about 60% of the price. Now that makes a lot of sense.